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Readers' Favorite five-star seal


Reviewed 5 stars By A.R. for Readers’ Favorite


Orange Sky by J.E. Gaudet is a thrilling tale of romance and terror. Ivy is incredibly attractive and has a heart to match. While her life is shrouded in tragedy, she will not let it take over. Her brother is killed in armed combat while stationed in Libya and Ivy has to learn to get on with life, even though she is lonely. Three of Oliver’s friends arrive on her doorstep and things are about to change forever. Suddenly, Ivy finds herself deep in a world of enmity and war, deep in a betrayal that is shaping the lives of those soldiers. The four embark on a journey that will test them to the core, reveal their fears, and teach Ivy that there is more to life than her beloved California coast.

Orange Sky by J.E. Gaudet is a breathtaking novel, a story of war and love, of terror and romance, all deftly woven into a tight and well-developed journey. This is a story of discovery, for Ivy and for her brother’s friends, and it has all the elements of a great love story, on a par with Gone with The Wind. I defy any reader to not enjoy this story, to not find it gripping and to be able to put it down
with ease – I couldn’t; once I started reading I was in it until the end! The characters are excellent, they suit the story perfectly and you get to know them, especially Ivy, in a way that draws you right into her life, to walk her path with her and feel everything she feels. I thoroughly enjoyed Orange Sky and am really looking forward to the next book.

Reviewed 5 stars by R.T.  for Readers’ Favorite:


Orange Sky by J.E. Gaudet is the story of a girl named Ivy; she is your regular American girl, but she is different. Ivy is proud of her brother serving their country. Her brother, Commanding Officer Oliver Rose, is serving in Libya and she has full faith in him, and in his ability to make her country proud and come back to her when the time is right. However, her world comes crashing down when she finds out that her brother has been killed. She is finally alone in the world.

Ivy finds solace in nature and what it has to offer, but it is a poor substitute for her family. She thought that this is how she would live the rest of her life; however, another change happens when three soldiers come to her. They served with her brother and now they are in her life for something even she does not understand. She was used to her peaceful life, she was content with the way she was living, but with the arrival of these soldiers, she finds that there is so much more to life than just living. She joins the soldiers on a dangerous, yet exhilarating journey that brings her a new kind of joy, something that she did not have before. 

Orange Sky is breathtaking, and is such a beautiful novel that you will find yourself lost in its words and its pages. J.E. Gaudet has done such a great job with the story that you will become one with Ivy. Ivy is a complicated, desirable and original character that fits in really well with the story. From the very beginning of the novel (which is too powerful to explain in simple words), you will feel a connection with Ivy and you will start feeling like she does. I cannot wait for the next novel in the series and hope that it comes soon because I want to see how love, friendship, and a sense of belonging changes Ivy further. This book speaks to the reader in all the best ways and that is what a reader wants!

Readers' Favorite five-star seal


Orange Sky

by J.E. Gaudet (Goodreads Author)


Jean Vaughan's review Sep 11, 2017

it was amazing. Read 2 times.


I count myself very fortunate to have been selected by Goodreads and the publisher of Orange Sky to review this epic novel, much of which will remain with me for life. If I could have given more than 5 stars I would have, such is the impact made.

Fundamentally a love story, nothing is as you expect.

Part One introduces Team Phoenix, an elite group of 6 soldiers sent to Libya to train ground troops about weapons and tactics. As part one unfolds I came to see, feel, and taste the difficult environment in which they were existing, the imagery was so powerful and can confess to re-reading these first 50 pages several times, trying to get into the minds of the soldiers. Part one concludes with one of the 6 being slaughtered by one of his own group, witnessed by the others, and taking the bullet for his best friend Hart who from now on becomes the main character in the novel. PTSD is the result of this conflict and I vow nobody has ever described the effects of this better, leaving me weeping at times at the gut wrenching behaviours displayed.

Part Two now centres on the relationship of three of these soldiers with the sister of Oliver, the soldier murdered but primarily Hart who over the next year endeavours to conquer his disability, find the ability to relate to others and also to find and obliterate the murderer. With his mind almost destroyed it is a long haul back, beautifully, brilliantly written.

I don't want to give any more details to the plot, I want everyone reading this to get a copy of the book, read it slowly, digest it and find their own opinion. No book has deserved such attention.

Reviewed 5 stars By D.Z. for Readers’ Favorite:


After the death of her brother, Ivy is introduced to three men from his world, soldiers who have served with him and whose life has been defined by the challenges of war. Now she is exposed to the horrible reality of war, hatred, and betrayal. She will learn to navigate their hearts and see the path of destruction that runs through them. Watch them as they explore the challenges of living in California, with their fears and passions, and their deep-seated desire to connect meaningfully. Orange Sky by J.E. Gaudet is a tale of war and love, deft and mesmerizing, punctuated with wonderful romantic scenes. 

Set in two worlds, Libya and California, Orange Sky by J.E. Gaudet begins with an intriguing statement: “Another perfect day in the desert. Our paradise in hell.” Then it moves on pretty fast with intense descriptions of the desert and life as a soldier in an African city. Gaudet has a gift for setting, and whether talking about a deserted street in the ancient city of Benghazi that is no stranger to war, modern day California, or the scorching heat of the desert, the beautiful writing conjures up images that are vivid and that arouse the reader’s senses, making them hear the sounds, feel the heat, and smell the odors. The characters are fully developed, with well-charted backgrounds and complex personalities. There are wonderful dialogues — plot-enhancing and entertaining — sprinkled throughout the novel, and they are a strong complement to the author’s storytelling skills. The conflict is well handled and it drives the plot from many angles. This is a story that is entertaining, with believable characters and images that will remain with readers. It was a gripping and a satisfying read, and I will be looking out for more from this author. 

Readers' Favorite five-star seal



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